Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

10 Unusual Facts About Teeth

10 ungewöhnliche Fakten über Zähne
10 Unusual Facts About Teeth

Our teeth are hard workers. A good reason to take a closer look at them. In today's blog post, we present 7 interesting and sometimes unusual facts about our teeth that you have probably never heard of before.

Fact 1 – Tooth enamel almost as hard as stone:

Tooth enamel is the hardest material in the human body. The hardest tooth enamel in the world However, the limpet has this. Its tooth enamel is the most durable biomaterial in the world. Only the fibers of bulletproof vests are somewhat harder.

Fact 2 – Milk teeth form early:

In an unborn child, milk teeth begin to form between the 6th and 8th week of pregnancy. By the 14th week, they are fully developed and hardened. However, they only become visible between the ages of 6 and 12 months.

Fact 3 – Uniqueness of teeth:

Like the iris and the human fingerprint, every person's teeth are unique. Your dental equipment is therefore incomparable. Thanks to their individual characteristics, people can also be identified by their dental pattern.

Fact 4 – Time required for dental care:

On average, we humans spend around 38.5 days of our lives brushing our teeth. That's assuming you want to keep your teeth for a long time and brush at least twice a day.

Fact 5 – Extend life expectancy:

Regular brushing and proper dental care can extend the life expectancy of your teeth by up to 6 years.

Fact 6 – Saliva protects and supports:

Healthy teeth also thanks to salivaThe human oral mucosa produces around 25,000 litres of saliva over the course of a lifetime. This amount is enough to fill two large swimming pools. Saliva is not only important for human digestion, but also for teeth. It binds bacteria and transports them to the stomach.

Fact 7 – Teeth are only 1/3 visible:

Around a third of your teeth are visible, the remaining two thirds are hidden under the gums. However, there are also freaks of nature here. The longest human tooth according to the Guinness Book of Records was 37.2 mm long.

Fact 8 – Bacterial collection:

There are around 700 different bacteria in our mouths. The majority of them are good and help with digestion and eliminate pathogens. However, some bacteria also like sugar and carbohydrates and use them to produce acid. This appears as plaque on our teeth. To get the troublemakers under control and protect the good bacteria, we recommend cleaning your teeth with our emmi® Dent ultrasonic toothbrush. Thorough dental care removes up to 70% of all plaque. However, if you clean your teeth with our emmi® Dent ultrasonic toothbrush, you can increase the cleanliness to 100%.

Fact 9 – Pumice and wine:

VIt is estimated that the first toothpaste appeared around 5,000 years ago. Developed by the ancient Egyptians, it consisted of a mixture of wine and pumice stone.

Fact 10 – The traditional history of tooth worms:

Long before the beginning of the Christian era, the Assyrians were certain that tooth decay was caused by worms. The so-called tooth worms were banished with a threefold incantation and a specific herbal treatment. In ancient Rome, tooth worms were even occasionally fumigated with narcotic henbane.

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