The turn of the year is just around the corner, but this year everything is different. Celebrations are being held in small groups. This year, the end of the year is much more contemplative, relaxed and family-oriented in many families. It's a good time to pause and think about your personal resolutions for the next year. Health issues have been present in recent years, but rarely in detail.
If you ask people about their New Year's resolutions for the coming year, they often say: live a healthier life. The focus is often on more exercise and sport combined with a healthy diet. How about going into detail this year and consciously devoting yourself to your dental health in the coming year?
In today's blog post, we explain why healthy teeth are a fundamental element of physical health and which resolutions you can easily implement.
Good intentions for healthy teeth
For many people, daily dental care is completely automatic, because no one thinks about brushing their teeth every morning and evening. Teeth are also brushed as part of daily hygiene and personal care. But with what quality and dedication do people devote themselves to this area of health?
The majority of adults view daily dental care as more of a cosmetic aspect. The focus should be on the health aspect. The more thoroughly and consciously you care for your teeth, the lower your risk of developing tooth decay and periodontitis.
You can easily implement your resolution to be more conscious about your own dental health with our 5 tips.
Tip 1: Dental health as a New Year's resolution
In order to make your resolution for more conscious dental hygiene easier, we recommend that you think of something pleasant while brushing your teeth every day. So use the time while brushing your teeth to consciously take a little mental break. Be it the memory of a nice experience or a vacation on the beach or just a good song. Positive thoughts while brushing your teeth ensure relaxation and give you a positive feeling.
Tip 2: Change brush heads regularly
You can also ensure better dental health in the new year by regularly changing the brush head of your emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush. Although the brush heads of our ultrasonic toothbrush are not as sensitive as normal brush heads, you should still change them regularly. Despite the most modern ultrasonic technology, bacteria can still settle in the bristles.
Tip 3: Dental health, even on the go
You should never limit dental health to mornings and evenings, teeth simply have too high a priority in the area of health for that. You should also look after your teeth during the day. A little care in between is ideally done with dental floss. You can use it to gently remove food residue from between your teeth, for example after your second breakfast or after lunch.
Tip 4: Control prevents diseases
If you don't already do so, visit your dentist regularly. Regular visits to the dentist, ideally twice a year, play an important role in dental health. Preventive examinations take little time but enable early detection and treatment of diseases.
Tip 5: Dental health by avoiding sugary foods
In addition to physical activity, healthy eating is a perennial favorite among New Year's resolutions. But have you ever thought about how much your diet affects your dental health? Sugary foods in particular form the basis for harmful bacteria.
So if you manage to replace sugary foods with healthy alternatives, you can achieve your New Year's resolution relatively easily. Snacking at set times and not spread out throughout the day also promotes dental health. This also applies to acidic foods such as apples, oranges or lemonade.