Have you ever wondered how you can naturally whiter teeth Can you get it? For example, through a chemical tooth whitening or through more intensive cleaning ? Has it ever occurred to you that eating certain foods can also whiten your teeth can?
Basically, you can say that you have the best conditions for white teeth with thorough dental care How you take intensive care of your teeth and good We will explain to you in today's blog post how to practice oral hygiene .
Alternatives to professional teeth whitening
As you know, there are several alternatives to professional , but especially for chemical tooth whitening . Especially the use of dental floss and the thorough oral hygiene are recommended, ask the professional about alternatives to permanent teeth whitening .
The combination of several alternatives can make your teeth appear whiter than they originally were. fluoride toothpaste not only ensures that your teeth are thoroughly clean, but also has a polishing effect . Smooth teeth look more well-groomed and therefore whiter, because harmful deposits no longer have such an easy time sticking.
dental floss and interdental brushes not only clean very thoroughly, but also remove food and food residues difficult areas. They also remove Plaques and deposits , which are also brown or yellow tartar make themselves felt.
Home remedies for teeth whitening
Surely you have already heard of various home remedies heard that your teeth whitening The most frequently recommended home remedies for teeth whitening include, for example:
- baking powder
- Gargling with apple cider vinegar before brushing your teeth
- Daily consumption of fresh fruit such as apple, pineapple or strawberries
With all due respect to natural alternatives and tried and tested home remedies If consumed in large quantities and in the long term, they can all be counterproductive and Tooth enamel is more likely to be broken down than built up .
baking powder is ideal for baking a cake and is, according to current knowledge, definitely not suitable for cleaning and whitening teeth . Dentists even classify the sodium bicarbonate contained in baking powder as “dangerous”. Unfortunately, it contributes to the protective and very sensitive tooth enamel worn away becomes.
The consumption of apples stimulates the flow of saliva. This is good because it neutralizes acids and helps to To remineralize tooth enamel . However, apples are not suitable for whitening teeth. The same applies to Consumption of pineapple . The bromelain contained in it is said to dissolve plaque, but a bleaching effect could not be proven. The bromelain contained in fruits and vinegars Acid tends to soften tooth enamel , making it more susceptible to tooth decay.
Whiter teeth through ideal dental care
Would you like to whiten your teeth , then you should start with your daily oral hygiene. Use our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush to the ideal and thorough tooth cleaning . In the next step, clean your teeth additionally with dental floss and use for particularly tight Interdental spaces with our interdental toothbrushes . If you clean your teeth thoroughly twice a day, you have created the ideal basis for clean and healthy teeth . But don't forget to keep your regular check-ups with your dentist.