The World Health Day has been in use since 1950 Every year on April 7th The World Health Organization (WHO) commemorates its founding on this day with an annually changing motto. In 1948, delegates to the first World Health Assembly called for the introduction of a day to commemorate the founding of the WHO.
The motto changes from year to year and is chosen from the respective focus area of the WHO's current work. World Health Day is merely the start of various campaigns that extend far beyond April 7th. In today's blog post, we'll tell you what the motto of this year's World Health Day is and what programs are planned.
World Health Day 2021
The World Health Organization (WHO) uses World Health Day to communicate key health policy issues to the public. The aim is to develop solutions for the key issue chosen each year, worldwide. This year's World Health Day is dedicated to health equity . The campaign motto for 2021 is: "Building a fairer, healthier world."
This motto was chosen not least because of the ongoing pandemic that is raging around the world. Even before the pandemic outbreak, health policy imbalance in various health areas. The ongoing crisis exacerbates this problem.
Currently, the celebration of World Health Day is planned as a virtual event. You can attend the World Health Organization (WHO) press conference to open World Health Day virtually from April 6th. The The program is currently scheduled to begin on April 7th between 2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. These two dates are the kick-off of the campaign. It extends over the entire calendar year and is represented by various events. The Federal Association for Prevention and Health Promotion (BVPG) will also be taking part in the campaign this year.
World Health Day for health issues with global relevance
World Health Day is primarily a forum for exchange between countries on various health issues. The WHO (World Health Organization) would like to use the campaign health problems into the consciousness of the world public In recent years, themes that have dominated are those that are meant to draw attention to the dramatic conditions in developing countries. An appeal that was primarily directed at industrialized countries in order to be able to offer people in poorer countries a long-term perspective through better medical care.
Other topics such as
- vaccination protection,
- Nutrition,
- Smoke,
- accidents
- and family health
have also been a motto in recent decades. They are equally relevant for developing and industrialized countries.
The 1977-initiated "Health for All - Strategy" increasingly focuses on topics of strategic importance. National health system such as:
- Primary health care,
- health communication
- and health promotion
are in focus.
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FAQ: 3 Questions and Answers on World Health Day
Is World Health Day always celebrated on April 7th?
Yes, World Health Day is celebrated every year on April 7th.
How long do the World Health Day campaigns last?
World Health Day culminates in various campaigns, which can extend over the entire year.
Who decides the motto for World Health Day?
The motto for World Health Day is chosen by the World Health Organization (WHO). Every year, World Health Day has a new motto.