
Approximal caries and hidden caries in children

Approximalkaries und versteckte Karies bei Kindern

Detect hidden caries early!

Approximal caries and hidden caries in children is unfortunately not uncommon. This can almost be described as insidious type of tooth decay Dental care for children is primarily the parents' responsibility. In any case, until the child can read and write independently. Dentists and even the dental association clearly point out the insidiousness of approximal caries and hidden caries. In today's blog post, we will explain to you what approximal caries and hidden caries mean and where the insidiousness lies.

How does approximal caries or hidden caries develop?

Caries that is not visible to the naked eye!

approximal caries often appears in the spaces between teeth. Hidden caries is also not visible to the naked eye. If you suspect this, it is essential to have a dentist examine you. The dentist can use magnifying glasses to check suspicious teeth and interdental spaces and examine them professionally. If there is reasonable doubt about the result of the visual inspection with magnifying glasses, a 3D panoramic X-ray should be taken to clarify the situation. These images will make approximal caries and hidden caries visible.

When we speak of Approximal caries in combination with hidden caries, only an X-ray can provide clear results. Since X-rays are used sparingly at the dentist, hidden caries often remain undetected for a long time. In contrast to clearly visible and "open" caries, hidden caries remains without symptoms and completely painless for a long time. The risk of developing approximal caries and hidden caries varies from person to person. While some children are significantly more susceptible, other children do not develop any form of tooth decay at all.

A first indication of approximal caries or hidden caries can be deposits and plaques Primary school children in particular should not have any deposits on their teeth if they have regular, thorough dental hygiene every day. If deposits or plaque become visible, you should immediately make an appointment with the dentist for a check-up. There is no time to lose with hidden caries, as it does not visibly attack the tooth from the inside. Approximal caries, or even worse, hidden approximal caries, does not just attack one tooth, but often affects two teeth at once. The damage to permanent teeth can therefore be very extensive. Especially since a filling in the area between the teeth always has a detrimental effect in the long term.

expert tip: To make the beginning of plaque visible on your child’s teeth, you should regularly (quarterly) use our Mira-2-Ton tooth coloring tablets Check your child's dental status. If massive deposits become visible, have your child's dental status checked by your dentist as soon as possible!

How does secondary caries develop?

Especially in marginal area of dental crowns and dentures Harmful bacteria can settle there. This sensitive area is particularly susceptible to secondary caries. If a filling or the area between the tooth and the crown has a fine crack on, this can promote secondary cariesWhen inserting dentures, a marginal gap cannot always be avoided, but it should of course be as small as possible.

It will certainly surprise you, but every dental disease is usually preceded by secondary caries. as so often results in poor dental and oral hygieneThe gap at the edge of the restored area in the mouth requires particularly thorough care.

Preventing approximal caries and hidden caries

Regular dental hygiene is essential!

Daily and regular dental hygiene for children is beyond question. It should be a natural part of the daily routine by the time they reach primary school age. In addition, regular professional dental cleaning at the dentist is recommended not only for adults, but also for children. Regular check-ups at the dentist are also considered essential. If you notice increased plaque and deposits in your child, you should make an additional check-up appointment with the dentistEven if there is a family history of caries, you should still schedule additional check-ups with your dentist. Approximal caries and hidden caries should be detected and treated as early as possible.

In order to actively promote and sustainably support your child’s tooth cleaning, we recommend using our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush using our special emmi®-dent brush attachment for children. Our specially emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothpaste formulated for children rounds off daily dental care and supports healthy oral flora and healthy children's teeth.

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