Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Do's and Don'ts in a Dental Emergency

Do's und Don'ts bei einem zahnmedizinischen Notfall

We all know the scenario: It is Saturday evening, peace and quiet should return, but suddenly a piercing toothache to destroy the peace. The question is circling in your mind: Should I really call the emergency dental service now or can I wait until Monday? Don't worry, in today's blog post we will explain it to you in detail.

When is it considered a real dental emergency?

A Emergency in Dentistry refers primarily to urgent problems that cannot be postponed, such as serious problems with the teeth, jaw or gums. Simple first aid measures such as cooling or taking a painkiller can often provide initial relief. However, if these do not work and symptoms appear abruptly or severely, you should contact the emergency services. Clear emergency situations include:

  • Heavy bleeding, especially after surgical procedures.
  • A tooth that suddenly breaks into several pieces.
  • A large, lost filling body that makes the tooth appear hollow and fragile.
  • Severe symptoms accompanied by fever, massive swelling or inflammation.

When is it appropriate to take a deep breath and be patient?

Before you rush to the phone book or the Internet to find the nearest dental emergency service, check whether it is really urgent. Not every dental problem needs to be treated immediately. For example:

  • A recently removed tooth that hurts or bleeds – cooling and patience can often help.
  • A small splinter of your filling has come loose, but the majority is still stuck.
  • A minimal crack in your tooth without severe pain.
  • First signs of gingivitis, which is not (yet) acute.

help in an emergency

During regular opening hours, your own dentist is the first choice. But what if the mishap happens outside of these hours? Here comes the dental emergency service comes into play. Treatment is usually free for patients with health insurance, but remember to bring your insurance card. You can find information from the emergency medical service or online at the dental emergency service eV

The dentist on duty will first assess your condition. Based on this assessment, he or she will decide whether immediate treatment is necessary or whether a regular appointment is sufficient. The goal is always to provide you with rapid relief and avoid serious complications.

Your toothache never stops? That doesn't have to mean that you have to suffer. dental emergency service is always there for youBut before you pick up the phone, evaluate the situation carefully.

Prevention through proper dental care

It cannot be emphasized enough: many dental emergencies arise from neglected or ineffective dental care. Our emmi-dent ultrasonic toothbrush represents a revolution in daily oral hygiene. With its state-of-the-art ultrasound technology, it enables particularly thorough and gentle cleaning that effectively removes not only plaque, but also bacteria and the smallest food residues.

The regular use can help prevent tooth decay, gingivitis and other dental problems before they become serious. Invest in your dental health by taking preventative measures and perhaps avoid the next emergency visit.

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