I treated a man whose left outer side of his body, from his belly button downwards, was covered in an almost continuous bruise. There was a severe thrombosis in the transition from the Achilles tendon to the calf muscle (gastrocnemius muscle), which was evident in extremely hot tissue, severe swelling and high potential for pain even with the slightest touch.
I treated the patient’s bruise with the “emmi skin Intense handpiece, the ultrasound attachment size L, Thermoeffect heat foam and emmi bio Myo”.
I treated the thrombosis with microcurrent for the first two weeks because I felt that the heat of the “thermo foam” was a contraindication.
My patient found the treatment very pleasant. He and I were amazed at how quickly the bruises were removed. The only thing that was a little difficult was the remains of the lower leg thrombosis, which I also treated with "bio myo" and ultrasound from the second week onwards. I worked on removing this thrombosis for a total of 4 weeks until the tissue was mobile again and free of inflammation. The result was worth it, however. The leg is fully mobile again and my patient has started light running again, which has been possible so far without any further problems.
Burkhard Hock
Königssee Health and Education Center