Surely no one around you likes wrinkles. After all, they are seen as a sign of fading youth and an indication of increasing age. But reducing wrinkles is not only a focus for women.
One of the best natural weapons that does not require any surgical intervention is wrinkle reduction with cosmetic ultrasound. And thanks to our emmi®-skin, you don't even need to go to the beauty salon anymore. From now on, you can do it yourself. Our emmi ® -skin Intense Basic Set is the perfect ultrasound device for at home and completes your weekly beauty treatment.
For a wrinkle-free face, our emmi ® -skin Intense is supplied in a practical set with the high-quality ultrasound carrier gel hyaluronic acid. Benefit from a special type of skin treatment that is always successful. In today's blog post, we explain how you can benefit from wrinkle reduction with cosmetic ultrasound.
A special kind of wrinkle reduction
Wrinkles can appear as early as age 30 and, depending on your lifestyle, even much earlier. The moment you first notice them can be very painful. However, you shouldn't bury your head in the sand and should do something about wrinkles immediately.
Depending on your genetic makeup, which also plays an important role in wrinkles, you can stop wrinkles from forming or reduce them with the right application. Good genes are important. But your lifestyle also has a big influence on the formation of wrinkles.
Anti-aging through cosmetic ultrasound delivers impressive results. Cosmetic ultrasound is based on sound waves. If you suffer from acne, other skin imperfections and wrinkles, for example, then the principle and effect of cosmetic ultrasound is exactly right for you.
Although you can try your luck with one of the many creams, you should get very detailed advice and determine your individual skin type. If creams no longer help, cosmetic ultrasound may be an option.
How does a cosmetic ultrasound treatment work against wrinkles
Cosmetic ultrasound is used when anti-aging creams no longer really help. An ultrasound device that works on the basis of ultrasound is used in conjunction with a special contact agent. This is applied to the skin areas before use.
Here you can choose between a special ultrasound gel with hyaluronic acid or collagen. Both of our special gels are applied to the skin before the treatment. They can be used to optimize your cosmetic ultrasound treatment. Thanks to our specially formulated ultrasound gels, the sound can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.
After just a short time, your skin can look fresher and more youthful. However, you should repeat the application regularly. Only then will the results become clearly visible.