Have you ever wondered whether genetics can influence your dog's behavior ? After all, genetics and behavior are among the most exciting and difficult topics in the field of biology, even in dogs. However, the connection between complex behavior and genetically determined basics has so far been very little researched scientifically. Nevertheless, in today's blog post we would like to give you an insight into how behavior in dogs can be genetically anchored .
Does genetics influence your dog's behavior?
While the concept of breed used to be tied to specific tasks that a dog could or should perform, today it is mainly body structure and external characteristics that determine the breed standard. The question that now arises, particularly in the area of breeding, is whether the behavior of dogs can also be inherited . In the area of breeding, breed-specific behavior is particularly interesting. Basic behavior as well as physical and mental basic requirements, which are defined by the breed standard, play the decisive role here. Good examples of this are:
- Shepherd dogs and their willingness to work
- as well as the hunting instinct and the ability to indicate in hunting dogs.
Behaviors of this kind have been selected by humans over a long period of time, so that they are genetically anchored in the breed. And yet the expression differs from individual to individual animal. The strength of the expression depends on the number of genes that form the basis for the behavior. This form is known as polygenic behavior. It is a mix of different genes that either strengthen or weaken each other in their effect.
Unfortunately, the genetic code for the sometimes very complex behavioral patterns has not yet been deciphered. This area therefore remains exciting for dog owners, breeders and researchers.
Genetics and Behavior in Dogs
As already mentioned, controlled breeding works to maintain the breed standard and gradually optimize it. However, when it comes to behavior, it is up to you as the owner. Even if there is a predisposition to certain behavior, it is up to you to encourage these genetic traits . However, you can only achieve this through training and consistent education. We believe that you can raise any dog to be a peaceful and loyal soul with loving and breed-appropriate instruction. However, breed-specific characteristics must be taken into account.
Also be aware that dog training takes a lot of time and requires patience, calmness and a pinch of composure . Spending time with your dog will strengthen both him and you. As a team, you will be more confident in dealing with third parties and will be able to handle stressful situations much better.
If a dog has internalized that he can rely on his favorite person, he will integrate perfectly into your social life and truly enrich your life. Genetics is an important point in terms of breed, behavior and standard , but always remember that your dog's behavior also depends massively on you, your upbringing and your social life . For this reason, always devote enough time and attention to your dog. He will thank you with great social behavior.