Unfortunately, chalky teeth are no longer a rarity in children. The figures prove that the number of reported cases of the disease is steadily increasing. According to a recent study by a large German health insurance company, around 230,000 children aged up to 9 years had chalky teeth in 2019. with chalky teeth in treatment. This means that the number of cases of chalky teeth in children steadily increasing and currently amounts to around 8 percent of all children in the age group up to 9 years. The The number of unreported cases is probably much higher, as the mild cases and manifestations are not recorded. In today's blog post, we explain what you can do about soft tooth enamel in your child and why you should always leave this health problem to a doctor.
Chalky teeth are a health hazard
Chalky teeth are considered a widespread disease among childrenThe exact cause of chalky teeth is not known. The fact is that more and more children are suffering from chalky teeth. Around one in three children aged 12 suffers from chalky teeth.
If your child suffers from chalky teeth, you should have your child's teeth examined regularly. Also pay attention to any unusual spots in the mouth. The front molars and incisors are particularly often affected. Typical signs that you can recognize chalky teeth include:
- White or yellow-brown spots on the chewing surface of the teeth
- Clouded surfaces on the sides of the teeth
- Sensitive teeth, especially when eating hot or cold foods
- pain when brushing teeth
Chalky teeth always require professional treatmentThe therapy and any preventive measures are determined individually. The basis of the therapy is always thorough dental hygiene using highly concentrated fluoride preparations. Depending on how badly the teeth are affected, the treatment can vary.
In the case of a mild form of chalky teeth, it is often sufficient to seal the chewing surfaces of the affected teeth. In the case of a severe form of chalky teeth, only fillings or crowns can restore and maintain the functionality of the teeth. In the case of a particularly severe form of chalky teeth, it may even be necessary to remove the affected teeth.
Cause of chalky teeth still unexplored with steady increase
The cause of Molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH), as chalky teeth are called among specialists, has not yet been clarified. However, studies suggest that the formation of chalky teeth is due to plasticizers such as bisphenol A. Other potential causes include chickenpox, infectious diseases and the administration of antibiotics.
Preventing chalky teeth
Currently there are no direct cure for chalky teethOnly the symptoms can currently be combated. The prognosis is best if Chalky teeth can be detected early. Intensive prophylaxis protects the tooth enamel, while existing fissures are sealed or filled with plastic. Preventing chalky teeth in your child, you should pay attention to thorough dental care from an early stage.
Above all, make sure that the plaque acids that form after eating cannot attack the tooth enamel. Foods that contain sugar in particular promote the formation of plaque acids. Brushing your teeth twice a day is a must for you and your child.
The more thorough the dental hygiene the better. If harmful plaque acids are not removed, teeth are no longer protected. Since chalky teeth generally have much weaker enamel than relatively healthy teeth, they are much more susceptible to tooth decay.
Low-sugar foods is the best solution to prevent chalky teeth. Very conscientious oral and dental hygiene also helps prevent the formation of chalky teeth. Highly concentrated fluoride preparations, which are prescribed by the dentist, can also be helpful.