
Avoid black teeth

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In today's blog post we have presented you various Alternatives for Black Teeth without you having to neglect your daily dental care.

Painting Black Teeth on Halloween

Especially on Halloween black, painted teeth But fortunately, black teeth in children or adults are rarely real. Most teeth that look black or rotten are painted or replaced with fake teeth . There is a special varnish for painting teeth, which is also used by make-up artists to apply make-up to teeth.

The so-called tooth black You can buy them in stores during Halloween time or in carnival shops. Be sure to refrain from painting your teeth with a permanent marker or marker. The harmful substances contained can damage your teeth. It is also possible that the color of the permanent marker can no longer be completely removed from your teeth or that it becomes stuck in fine grooves.

Create black teeth on Halloween with tooth wax

If you don’t want to paint your teeth, you can also special wax, the so-called dental wax, to create a kind of crown for your teeth. After hardening, this wax sits on your teeth like a veneer and simply covers your real teeth. Your teeth will not be damaged by it. This trick is not only very popular at Halloween, but also at carnivals and in the theater.

How to get black teeth on Halloween with fake teeth

Black teeth are especially popular among small children. However, painting teeth or putting wax crowns on them at this tender age is not advisable. Here you can resort to natural tips and tricks. Liquorice naturally stains the teeth black . Another possibility is Applying a fake dental splint. This acts like a second set of teeth and can be removed at any time if you don't like it.

Preventing Black Teeth

With the right dental care you can avoid black teeth. Not only regularity plays an important role, but also the type of care. This should be as gentle as possible, but effective. With our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush you can care for your teeth gently and clinically clean. Modern ultrasound technology ensures that your Teeth are freed from harmful bacteria . Deposits and plaque are also removed.

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