You want to say goodbye to wrinkles and spots? Our emmi®-skin for the face helps you to combat skin problems. Ultrasound treatments are currently very popular not only among stars and starlets, because we are also convinced of our treatments, which are richly formulated specifically for ultrasound treatments.
Even Brad Pitt is said to regularly use so-called "wrinkle irons". In today's blog post, we'll explain how you can best treat your skin with ultrasound on your own.
Facial Ultrasound vs. conventional facial
Facial ultrasound is very different from a conventional facial. Only by using ultrasound is it possible for the treatment's active ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin. The sound waves and micro-vibrations of the ultrasound cause biomechanical, mechanical and thermal influences to take effect simultaneously.
All of these stimuli ensure that not only your pores open, but also the fine lipid structure and the vessels underneath. Your skin becomes significantly more receptive thanks to the gentle, painless vibrations of the ultrasound.
If you suffer from rosacea, neurodermatitis or eczema, you should avoid ultrasound treatment or at least discuss it with your dermatologist beforehand. Ultrasound treatment is also not recommended for other medical conditions such as epilepsy, bacterial diseases, tumors or heart disease. If you are unsure, we recommend that you discuss the application with your doctor.
facial treatment with ultrasound
The facial treatment with ultrasound is simple and uncomplicated. After thoroughly cleansing your face, you can start the treatment. Use one of our wonderful treatments, which also serve as a contact agent for our emmi®-skin function.
As with all our products, we use natural ingredients that provide care. With the enriched contrast agent, you now glide the pleasantly shaped ultrasound head gently over your face. You will not feel any pain. On the contrary, most of our customers describe the use of ultrasound as very pleasant.
The gentle vibrations of the ultrasound open up your facial pores very wide. This means you can remove impurities very gently and without pressure. After cleansing, you can use our nourishing and moisturizing serums. You can also manually apply a rich finishing treatment afterwards.