Die dritten Zähne

Ultrasonic toothbrush for fillings & implants

Ultraschallzahnbürste bei Füllungen & Implantaten

The emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush effectively prevents dental diseases such as caries, periodontitis and gingivitis thanks to its innovative cleaning process. But what if you already have dental problems that require treatment by a dentist? How does the ultrasonic toothbrush behave with fillings and implants? Even with a tooth filling or fixed dentures, brushing with a toothbrush that uses 100 percent ultrasound leads to excellent results. Read here why this is the case and what advantages an ultrasonic toothbrush offers for implants and fillings.

Fillings and implants for dental health

Whether a carious or a broken tooth: Dental fillings replace the natural protection of the teeth when the tooth is no longer able to do so . Dentists use fillings to repair tooth holes caused by caries. The dental filling also replaces a piece of the tooth that has broken off. More extensive damage to the tooth substance requires more extensive dental treatment. A crown or other fixed implants in the mouth may be necessary here.

Dentists in Germany alone fill more than 50 million tooth cavities every year - from amalgam to plastic. In 2017, the figure was 50.5 million, as shown in the 2018 yearbook of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KZVB). But choosing the right material and filling the tooth is not enough. After treatment, fillings, like implants, require special attention in terms of dental care. Daily use of the toothbrush is particularly important here.

Why brushing your teeth and using the right toothbrush are so important for fillings and implants

Teeth with fillings are particularly vulnerable. The tooth substance has already been damaged, often by caries, which has eaten a hole in the tooth. Therefore, there is a risk that harmful bacteria will settle again in these areas of the mouth. The transition between the filling and the tooth substance is particularly at risk because bacteria find good living conditions here. If they are not regularly removed with a toothbrush, plaque forms. Tartar, periodontitis and renewed caries are the result.

If you keep the area around the treated tooth clean and free of germs, you reduce the risk of further fillings. The same applies to dental implants. With crowns, bridges and dentures, there is an additional challenge: the risk of damaging the sensitive material of the dental implants during dental care. Choosing the right toothbrush is more important than ever!

Everything about the use of the ultrasonic toothbrush for fillings

Dental care for implants & fillings

Of course, the ultrasonic toothbrush can be used for dental care when there are fillings. Thanks to the innovative cleaning process that toothbrushes use to work with ultrasound, the emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush achieves optimal results even with fillings.

The ultrasonic toothbrush effectively cleans hard-to-reach areas in the mouth, which the manual toothbrush, sonic toothbrush and other electric toothbrushes cannot even reach, of food residue, plaque and harmful bacteria.

How the ultrasonic toothbrush works on fillings

Ultrasonic toothbrushes clean the teeth without movement and almost without contact. The toothbrushes do not use the scrubbing that you are used to with manual toothbrushes and all other electric toothbrushes. The sonic toothbrush also ultimately relies on this mechanical cleaning. Ultrasonic toothbrushes are different: their up to 96 million vibrations per minute allow the ultrasound to gently and carefully clean your teeth, fillings and implants without damaging the sensitive materials.

The ultrasound produced by the piezo chip of the emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush When the air is blown into the mouth, numerous small bubbles are created. These are caused to implode in the mouth and thus develop their cleaning power. Because they are so tiny, they can even penetrate into the gaps between teeth and other hard-to-reach places such as implants and free them of any contamination.

How to brush your teeth with an ultrasonic toothbrush when you have fillings

The emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush is impressive not only in terms of cleaning, but also in terms of handling - even when it comes to fillings. Simply hold the toothbrush to your teeth - the ultrasound does the rest.

Are there any risks when brushing your teeth with an ultrasonic toothbrush if you have fillings?

If you brush your teeth with the emmi®-dent, the ultrasonic toothbrush poses no danger to the fillings. Despite their 96 million vibrations, the innovative toothbrushes do not cause fillings to fall out. A good filling sits firmly in the tooth. If fillings come loose when brushing your teeth with an ultrasonic toothbrush, this would have happened over time anyway and has nothing to do with the toothbrush.

The ultrasound used by the emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush is completely safe. Its spectrum is beyond human perception. That is why you cannot see, hear or feel the ultrasound when you use ultrasonic toothbrushes.

The use of ultrasonic toothbrushes for implants

What applies to brushing your teeth with the emmi®-dent for fillings also applies to dental care with the ultrasonic toothbrush for implants. When it comes to oral hygiene, your crowns, bridges and dentures benefit even more from gentle ultrasonic cleaning. On the one hand, implants require particularly thorough dental care because the areas under the dentures and the places where the crowns rest on the gums also need to be cleaned. On the other hand, most toothbrushes cannot do this. In addition, the toothbrush must be particularly gentle to ensure the longevity of the implants.

The ultrasonic toothbrush does not cause any damage to the material of the expensive implants. In contrast to other toothbrushes such as manual toothbrushes or rotating electric toothbrushes, whose high pressure when scrubbing can damage the materials of the implants. In addition, the tiny bubbles of the ultrasonic toothbrush also easily reach under the crown or bridge and remove food residue and bacteria. Cleaning bridges, implants and dentures is extremely gentle and incredibly thorough with ultrasonic toothbrushes.

Ultrasonic toothbrush for implants and fillings – what you need to pay attention to

Whether it's a filling or a denture: correct handling is of course a fundamental requirement for the emmi®-dent to have its cleaning effect. But brushing your teeth properly with ultrasound is something you have to learn first. For many users, the first time they clean their teeth with an ultrasonic toothbrush is initially unfamiliar because they have only ever brushed their teeth mechanically. But the ultrasonic toothbrush's ease of use and its excellent results - especially with implants and fillings - speak for themselves. As a result, the emmi®-dent not only effectively prevents dental diseases such as caries, periodontitis and gingivitis as well as bad breath, but also supports you in the follow-up treatment of existing dental problems. This means that you are also well advised to use an ultrasonic toothbrush with implants and fillings.

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