
What skin type do you have?

Welchen Hauttyp hast Du?

Have you ever stood in front of the cosmetics shelves and wondered what oily, normal, dry or combination skin is? Most people can probably answer this question with "yes". You can find out what exactly each of these skin types means and which of our products are suitable for which skin type in this blog post.

Skin type number 1 – normal skin

Normal skin? What is “normal” anyway?

In the context of skin, "normal" means a balanced complexion in which sebum and moisture levels are balanced. Normal skin is characterized by its fine pores and is rather insensitive. Some characteristics of "normal" skin are:

- Fine pores

- elasticity and resilience

- Smooth and even

- No / few impurities

- Fresh, rosy complexion

Skin type number 2 – dry skin

When it comes to dry skin, a distinction is made between dry, low-fat skin and dry, low-moisture skin. Low-fat skin is usually caused by insufficient sebum production. Low-moisture skin is usually caused by a lack of water-binding capacity. Reasons for this can be dry air, malnutrition, alcohol and cigarette consumption, hormonal changes and various skin diseases.

Some characteristics of dry skin are:

- Fine pores

- feeling of tension

- Brittle, cracked skin

- Flaky skin in places

- itching

Skin type number 3 – oily skin

Oily skin is caused by excessive sebum production. This quickly leads to impurities and the skin looks greasy and oily. The T-zone (chin, nose, forehead) is particularly affected. Because the blood circulation is weaker, the skin appears pale and sallow. The cause can be your own genetic predisposition, stress or hormonal fluctuations.

Some characteristics of oily skin are:

- Large pores

- Oily shine

- Tends to impurities

- Pale and thickened skin

Skin type number 4 – combination skin

Combination skin combines two different skin types - oily and dry. The T-zone is usually oily and thick, while the cheeks are dry and sensitive. The different characteristics of the two skin types make care more difficult.

Some characteristics of combination skin are:

- Oily shine (T-Zone9

- Enlarged pores (T-zone)

- Impurities (T-zone)

- Dry cheeks

- skin sensitivity

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