Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Properly care for dental implants and keep them for a long time

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Regular dental check-ups and daily dental hygiene form the basis for a long and healthy implant life. Implants, bridges and veneers are known as high-quality dental prostheses. How you can benefit from them for a long time and why the type and regularity of implant care is largely responsible for its longevity, we will explain to you in today's blog post.

Implant care begins with daily oral hygiene

early implant loss often goes with negligent implant care, because daily dental care is not only essential for natural teeth. Although implants, crowns, bridges and veneers can not be destroyed by caries bacteria, but through Inflammation of the implant (periimplantitis) becomes unstableThis is often caused by deposits and plaque that promote inflammation at the edge of the implant. To avoid this type of inflammation, we recommend that you take care of your implants carefully and in a routine manner.

There are various reasons why regular tooth brushing contributes to conscientious cleaning your implants not enough, because unlike your natural teeth,

    • implants,
    • The crown,
    • bridges
    • and veneers

not firmly enclosed by the gums at the neck of the tooth. The denture is only loosely on the gumsThis is the reason why bacteria can settle below the gum line despite thorough brushing. With a good implant and perfect insertion, "hiding spots" of this kind are minimal, but are sufficient for bacteria to grow.

Implant care is therefore essential and can be carried out very well with the right dental care tools.

Which toothbrush is ideal for cleaning dental implants?

In order to keep your implant clean and well cared for, it is important that you clean the implant structure and the surrounding tissue particularly thoroughly. toothbrushes with ultrasonic technology like ours emmi®-dent Platinum Care work much more thoroughly in this area than conventional toothbrushes. Implant care with a conventional manual toothbrush is extremely difficult. In addition, this type of dental hygiene can be incredibly time-consuming. The brush heads, which are sometimes quite large, allow little room in the mouth. Freedom of movement and interaction with conventional toothbrushes are not very flexible. Thorough cleaning of the entire implant area can be achieved difficult to achieve with a conventional toothbrushInvesting in a much more efficient technology therefore makes sense.

Ultrasonic toothbrush for thorough implant care as a worthwhile investment

The use of our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush can make it easier for you to care for your teeth and implants. Deposits and stubborn plaque are removed in the long term. Harmful bacteria lose their attack surfaceWith our ultrasound technology designed emmi®-dent brush attachments you can reach every nook and cranny of your mouth.

Cleaning your implants is also particularly gentle, as you do not have to exert any pressure when brushing your teeth. Scrubbing is no longer necessary thanks to ultrasonic technology, as our emmi®-dent toothbrushes remove deposits and deposits through ultrasonic waves. The abrasion-free cleaning protects your gums and the enamel of natural teeth.

For implant care on the go, we recommend our little helpers. These include:

With our little helpers you have the opportunity to keep the area around your implant clean at any time. In particular areas between the teeth you can spontaneously Remove food residue and plaque with dental floss or interdental brushes.

We also recommend that you visit your dentist for regular check-ups.

FAQ: 3 questions and answers about implant care

Are ultrasonic toothbrushes harmful to my implant?

No. Ultrasonic toothbrushes are neither harmful nor dangerous for implants. On the contrary, ultrasound technology cleans much more gently than conventional toothbrushes. Thanks to gentle, imperceptible ultrasound waves, deposits and plaque can be removed from the teeth much more quickly. This deprives harmful bacteria of the basis for their continued existence.

How does ultrasound technology clean implants?

Toothbrushes based on ultrasonic technology work with ultrasonic waves that cannot be felt or seen. They clean the teeth without mechanical pressure. The piezo chip integrated in the brush head converts electrical energy into ultrasonic waves. These are transferred to the teeth and implants using ultrasonic toothpaste and saliva. There they dissolve deposits and remove harmful bacteria. The vibrations of the ultrasonic toothbrush transport dissolved deposits even from hard-to-reach spaces between teeth.

Why does ultrasound clean implants more gently?

Ultrasonic waves are best described as invisible vibrations. The intensity of the vibrations in an emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush is so high that it can remove deposits and plaque on the implant itself and the surrounding area, narrow interdental spaces and natural teeth. Without mechanical pressure, neither audible nor noticeable, ultrasound cleans teeth particularly gently and thoroughly.

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