Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Dental care in old age

Zahnpflege im Alter

Dental care in old age is still a topic that our society does not often talk about. Although we are taught from an early age how important thorough tooth brushing is , however, there are some things that change as you get older. Senior dentistry is a separate branch of dental care. In today's blog post, we will explain to you what special features you need to pay attention to as you get older and how you can still have healthy teeth in old age .

The challenge of dental care in old age

In general, the principles of dental care that we learned when we were young also apply when we are older. However, our teeth change as we get older. Regular use over decades and daily exposure to acids and sugar, which are found in more and more foods, also cause our teeth to age. The natural aging process is accompanied by physical ailments and the fact that the immune system is no longer as strong and active as we get older as it was when we were younger. This means that the oral cavity, teeth and gums are sometimes prone to severe inflammation. In order to keep your teeth healthy as you get older, it is important that you clean them thoroughly. Twice-daily oral care is therefore essential even when you are older. Even if your teeth have been replaced with dentures.

What is important when brushing your teeth in old age

Exposed tooth necks and receding gums mean that you need to be careful when brushing your teeth as you get older. You should definitely be careful not to scrub your teeth too hard. Gentle pressure cleans your teeth just as effectively as scrubbing hard.

Our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush is ideal for dental care and tooth cleaning in old age. If you use the latest ultrasonic technology to clean your teeth, you can clean them without any pressure. You clean your teeth via ultrasound using only the technology with the help of the special gel.

Our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush is the perfect helper for daily dental care, especially when you have motor difficulties and are losing your eyesight - which is completely normal as you get older. Its large, handy handle makes it easier to hold and supports you when you have already lost your motor skills.

Cleaning the spaces between teeth is extremely important, especially in old age. As we get older, these spaces become larger. Unfortunately, larger spaces between teeth also allow for a larger accumulation of food particles. Our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush works very well in this area too.

Healthy teeth into old age

Healthy teeth into old age: who wouldn't want that? And even when dentures or implants support the teeth in old age, daily dental hygiene is essential.

Now you're probably thinking that implants and dentures cannot be affected by typical dental diseases. Be careful, because this idea is true, but equally misleading. Many harmful bacteria settle on implants and dentures in particular. They not only attack adjacent teeth, but - and this is often much worse - the surrounding gums as well.

Illnesses and medications reduce the flow of saliva. The reduction in saliva means that acids and caries bacteria can settle even more easily. A dry mouth therefore promotes the proliferation of harmful bacteria in the mouth. For this reason, you should make sure that you drink enough fluids, even as you get older. Regardless of this, tooth cleaning is an important component in the area of ​​general health.

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