Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Effectively clean braces and brackets

Zahnspangen und Brackets effektiv reinigen

If you wear braces or brackets, then you know how annoying daily dental care can be. Not only does it take much longer, but it often involves removing food particles from wires. In today's blog post, we explain why dental health is still very important despite braces and why wires and rails should be cleaned regularly.

How do you properly care for braces or aligners?

As a braces wearer, you know that daily dental care can be a real challenge, as the wires in your mouth often make it difficult to maintain simple dental hygiene. The biggest problem here is that bacteria and plaque tend to get stuck behind brackets or wires. They are difficult to remove from these areas and can therefore attack the tooth enamel. In the long term, this can cause serious damage to your teeth.

How to clean your teeth with removable braces

If you have removable braces, you can easily remove them from your teeth. However, you should clean the removable braces thoroughly every morning and evening and remove any food residue. Cleaning with a toothbrush and toothpaste is usually sufficient. We also recommend deep cleaning your braces every eight weeks. You can use special cleaning tabs or an ultrasound device for this.

Here are some things to keep in mind if you have flexible braces:

  • Remove the braces from your mouth before eating
  • Clean your braces and teeth before putting them back in your mouth after eating
  • If cleaning is not possible, you should at least rinse your mouth with water or clean your braces under running water

How to clean your teeth with braces

If you wear fixed braces, they are most likely connected by fine wires and glued to your teeth. There is a risk that food particles or plaque can collect in the gaps. Bacteria also find a good place to take hold in this area and can settle. It is particularly important that you brush your teeth carefully and take care of them regularly.

If you are negligent here, you risk gum inflammation or even demineralization of the tooth enamel.

Here are some things you should keep in mind if you have braces:

  • When brushing your teeth daily, pay attention to the critical areas around the individual brackets
  • Use our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush for cleaning and also use dental floss
  • Avoid hard foods such as bread crusts, raw carrots or nuts
  • Avoid licorice, caramel, chewing gum and chewing candies
  • Avoid starchy foods that stick to your teeth

How to clean your teeth with aligners

If you wear a transparent plastic splint to move your teeth back into the desired position, you should take it out of your mouth before every meal. Thorough dental care is recommended in any case. Cleaning with dental floss is also ideal here. Before you put your splint back in, you should clean it thoroughly. If you are short on time, cleaning it under running water is sufficient.

Here's what you should keep in mind if you have aligners:

  • Drink water with the splint on without hesitation, but avoid hot drinks as they can warp your splint
  • Do not use tabs for cleaning
  • Do not use mouthwash as this can damage the surface of your splint

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