Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Choosing the right toothbrush for people in need of care

Die Wahl der richtigen Zahnbürste für pflegebedürftige Menschen

You can certainly understand that when a person becomes in need of care, not only their daily routine and habits change. Due to the new situation, Teeth, dentures, dental care and oral hygiene temporarily fall behind. This means Dental and oral health also quality of life and that is exactly what plays for people in need of care plays a particularly important role. For this reason, you should do everything you can to support your loved ones in cleaning their teeth. How you actively support people in need of care with daily oral care We will explain to you in today's blog post how you can do this.

Guide: Barrier-free toothbrush provides support when brushing teeth

Whenever people need help to cope with their everyday lives, are characterized barrier-free products like ours ultrasonic toothbrush emmi®-dent Platinum Care The latest technologies not only simplify everyday life, as in this particular case, but also generally improve the quality of life - and not just as we get older.

Depending on the severity of the disease, you should ensure that, for example, relatives in need of care, as far as possible, the manage daily dental care yourself On the one hand, you are giving them back some of their independence, but at the same time you are also ensuring greater well-being. And remember, only with healthy teeth and a well-maintained denture can you eat without problems and articulate yourself clearly.

Any dentist will confirm that the Typical dental diseases in the mouth such as caries or periodontitis can be avoided through intensive dental care.

Tips: Support patients when brushing their teeth with the right tools

If you want to support a person in need of care in the long term with their daily dental care, then you should definitely follow the tips below and get one or two making use of resources:

  • Aid: Wear disposable gloves to reduce the transmission of bacteria and other germs
  • Depending on the severity of the illness and the associated limitations: When brushing your teeth, stand behind the person in need of care so that you can hold their head better or, if they are bedridden, sit sideways on the edge of the bed
  • If you have problems opening your mouth: Place a thumb on your chin and press it down slightly
  • If you have trouble keeping your mouth open: Insert a bottle cork lengthwise between the upper and lower row of teeth or buy a special cleaning splint from your dentist
  • Remove removable dental prostheses such as dentures and clean them separately

The Choosing the right toothbrush for one people in need of care plays an important role in dental care. Ideally, you should choose a barrier-free, ultrasonic toothbrush with soft bristles. Make sure that the handle has a reinforced grip so that it fits comfortably in your hand. As you get older, your ability to hold on to something generally decreases.

Especially our electric emmi®-dent Platinum Care ultrasonic toothbrush represents a large Relief for people in need of care and you as a relative. It is particularly practical as an electric toothbrush with ultrasound not only because of its easy handling, but also because of its incredibly efficient cleaning resultsPlayful, simple and technologically incredibly complex, it promotes oral health and oral hygiene.

Emmi®-dent Platinum Care enables daily brushing of teeth without any mechanical movement. Brush teeth without pressure and preserve the valuable tooth enamel. Simply hold the brush head to your teeth and let the ultrasound work for you. The abrasion-free application enables dental care without tooth damageCompletely vibration- and noise-free, our emmi-dent Care promotes daily oral hygiene and protects existing dentures in people who cannot move freely.

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