
Veneers and Non-Prep Veneers

Veneers und Non-Prep Veneers

In the field of dental care, terms such as Veneers or Non-Prep Veneers Did you know that the term veneer means something like veneer? A veneer is a light and often transparent ceramic bowl, which is firmly attached to the teeth. However, they are not suitable for every tooth and every dental problem. Only the incisors and their adjacent molars can be fitted with veneers. We will explain what else you need to know about veneers and non-prep veneers in today's blog post.

Difference: Veneers and Non-Prep Veneers

Classic veneers differ from non-prep veneers by the fact that Non-Prep Veneers your teeth are not ground Unfortunately, with classic veneers, your teeth have to be ground down. This in turn means that classic veneers also require anesthesia. However, Non-Prep Veneers not suitable for every treatment and the possible applications are therefore significantly limited, because unlike classic veneers, they are also much thinner.

What are veneers suitable for?

Classic ceramic veneers are ideal for replacing broken teeth or worn tooth corners. Even gaps between teeth can be treated with classic veneers. Twisted or tilted teeth as well as all visible fillings can be "covered" with veneers. Veneers can also be a good solution for stains on your teeth, defects or other discolorations as well as any kind of enamel formation problems.

Non-Prep Veneers Ceramic ones, on the other hand, are only suitable for specific gaps in your teeth, minor shape improvements and minor discolorations on your teeth.

A special form of veneers is instant veneers However, their application possibilities are very limited. They are suitable, for example, for "lengthening" teeth and for very slight tooth misalignments.

The big advantage of veneers

Veneers are very durable. With a lifespan of around 15 years and with good dental care, they are particularly often used on young people. Since ceramics are particularly well tolerated, allergic reactions are often avoided. Veneers are particularly gentle on your own teeth, since, depending on the shape of the veneer, they require little or no grinding.

Da Veneers are very thin towards the gums, they are also considered gentle on the gums and almost non-irritating. They also blend in perfectly with the overall appearance of the rest of the teeth, as their color can be individually adapted to the tooth color of the respective patient. Veneers themselves do not discolor.

When can veneers not be used?

For example, veneers cannot be used if you grind your teeth. If you grind your teeth, your veneers may wear down more quickly, break off and detach from your teeth. Your dentist will be able to advise you on this in detail.

What does Veneers cost?

Da veneers are used primarily for aesthetic reasons, they are not subject to standard care for dentistsFor this reason, it is a Private service that is not covered by most health insurance companies. The exact cost of Venners depends on the type and number of treatments as well as the effort required.

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