
Periodontitis as a cause of unfulfilled desire to have children?

Parodontitis als Ursache für unerfüllten Kinderwunsch?

Chronic dental disease can reduce fertility by up to 1/5. For this reason, Women and men who want to have children place great importance on oral hygiene. Various studies have shown that dental status can influence the course of a pregnancy. In this context, researchers have now investigated whether a unfulfilled desire to have children is directly related to dental health. The result and other exciting facts on the topic unfulfilled desire to have children due to dental diseases, We explain in today's blog post.

Poor dental status as an approach to involuntary childlessness

Every sixth to seventh woman remains unintentionally childless. Very few of them bring Periodontitis and gingivitis are associated with temporary infertility. It is now clear that not only the increasing age of expectant parents can influence the course of pregnancy, but also the dental status.

It is no secret that chronic gum disease such as periodontitis negatively affect the general health status In the field of gynecology and in cases of infertility, current study results show that Periodontitis increases the risk of premature births consists.

Periodontitis and the negative effects on your body

Periodontitis is associated with increased risk of general diseases. If the harmful bacteria spread throughout the body via the blood, this can:

  • to chronic respiratory diseases and pneumonia,
  • Osteoporosis,
  • Stroke,
  • heart and circulatory diseases,
  • Diabetes
  • and complications in pregnancy

Periodontitis can also negatively affect your desire to have children.

A study by Australian reproductive medicine specialists shows that Periodontitis has a direct influence on the time until confirmed pregnancy The study results even indicate that gingivitis can significantly extend the period. On average, women suffering from periodontitis need around 42 percent more time to get pregnant than women who do not suffer from gingivitis. Unfulfilled desire to have children can therefore be clearly linked to periodontitis, even if it has not been proven that periodontitis is the sole cause of unfulfilled desire to have children. early treatment of periodontitis is advisable not only for this reason.

Saliva test simplifies diagnosis of periodontitis

Not many dental practices actively cooperate with fertility centers. A new solution is saliva test, with which within a few minutes the periodontitis inflammation level determined The test involves testing for inflammatory markers, which are also considered indicators of tissue degradation. If the values are available, targeted dental preventive measures can be used to increase Reduce values to a non-critical levelThis actively shortens the time until pregnancy and reduces pregnancy risks.

To-do list for periodontitis as a cause of unfulfilled desire to have children

Before a planned pregnancy, it is always advisable to Checking general oral health. If periodontitis is diagnosed, early dental treatment can reduce various pregnancy risks. In addition to various dental prevention and treatment measures can you our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush actively support the fight against gingivitis.

Furthermore, professional teeth cleaning is recommended in the first and last trimester of your pregnancy due to the changing hormone levels. Thorough dental care and oral hygiene before, during and after pregnancy should be the top priority.

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Behandlung von Parodontitis ab 01.07.2021 mit eigener Richtlinie
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