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The first ultrasonic toothbrush and other pet care equipment for animals!

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Optimal nail care and individual design with Emmi®-Nail

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Ultrasound care for face and body

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Ultrasonic cleaning equipment and accessories at Ultraschall-Welt

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The first ultrasonic toothbrush and other pet care equipment for animals!

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Optimal nail care and individual design with Emmi®-Nail

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Ultrasound care for face and body

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Ultrasonic cleaning equipment and accessories at Ultraschall-Welt

Saving water and promoting dental health: How small habits can make a big difference

Let's talk today about a precious commodity that we have on earth: Water. We would like to take you on a little journey - a journey that shows how each of us can not only improve our own dental health with small changes in everyday life, but also make a valuable contribution to environmental protection. In today's blog post, we explain to you in an informative, easy-to-implement and perhaps even a little fun way how you can protect the environment with a single twist and even save resources very effectively as a result.


Water - our precious resource

Let's start with a look at water. Did you know that less than 3% of the water on earth is available as fresh water? And yet we often tend to waste it as if there were an infinite supply. Especially when we brush our teeth - a daily process that can send up to 12 litres of water per minute down the drain unused. But here's the good news: you can change that!


A small twist with a big effect

You might be thinking: "I can't save the world by turning off the tap when I brush my teeth." But you can, every single one of us can, because this is exactly where the key lies. This simple action can save several litres of water each time you brush your teeth. Imagine how much that adds up in a year! And that's not all: less water consumption also means less energy consumption and lower costs. 

When we talk about wasting water, we also have to look at energy consumption, especially when we use the hot water tap. Heating water is energy-intensive and causes CO₂ emissions. If the hot water tap runs unused when we brush our teeth, we are not only wasting water, but also valuable energy. This energy is often generated by fossil fuels, which in turn pollutes our environment. So by turning off the tap, we not only reduce water consumption, but also save energy and contribute to reducing our overall carbon footprint.


Dental health - a central element of your well-being

Jetzt, wo wir das mit dem Wasser geklärt haben, lass uns nochmal über deine Zähne sprechen. Gute Zahnpflege geht weit über das Bürsten hinaus. Eine ausgewogene Ernährung, Vermeidung von Zucker und regelmäßige Zahnarztbesuche sind ebenso entscheidend. Denk daran, deine Zähne sind ein Spiegel deiner Gesundheit. Und durch das Abschalten des Wasserhahns während des Zähneputzens kannst du dir auch mehr Zeit lassen, um deine Zähne gründlich und achtsam zu pflegen.

Was wir dir an dieser Stelle mit auf den Weg geben möchten, ist folgendes: kleine Veränderungen in deinen täglichen Routinen und Abläufen können große Auswirkungen haben – auf die Umwelt, deine Gesundheit und sogar deinen Geldbeutel. Indem du den Wasserhahn beim Zähneputzen abdrehst, setzt du ein Zeichen für bewusstes Wassermanagement und förderst gleichzeitig deine Zahngesundheit. Denk immer daran: Jeder von uns kann einen Unterschied machen – Tropfen für Tropfen, Tag für Tag.

Now that we've got the water thing out of the way, let's talk about your teeth again. Good dental care goes far beyond brushing. A balanced diet, avoiding sugar and regular visits to the dentist are just as crucial. Remember, your teeth are a reflection of your health. And by turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, you can also give yourself more time to care for your teeth thoroughly and mindfully.

What we'd like to share with you at this point is this: small changes in your daily routines and procedures can have a big impact - on the environment, your health and even your wallet. By turning off the tap when you brush your teeth, you are setting an example for conscious water management and promoting your dental health at the same time. Always remember: each of us can make a difference - drop by drop, day by day.