Your health is the most valuable thing you have. In today's blog post, we want to talk about an often overlooked factor that can threaten it: smoking cigarettes. You might be thinking, "Oh no, not another sermon about how dangerous cigarette smoke is!" Be sure to read on, because what we're about to share with you today is not only important, but could be the key to keeping your smile bright despite smoking cigarettes.
The invisible enemy: this is what happens in your mouth when you smoke!
When you smoke a cigarette, more than 4,800 chemicals find their way into your mouth, and many of them are anything but friendly to your teeth and gums. Nicotine and tar are the two biggest culprits. Not only are they responsible for discoloration, but even worse, they actively promote gum disease and bad breath.
The underestimated long-term harm of smoking
Over time, cigarette smoking leads to poorer blood circulation in your gums, which can result in sluggish and impaired wound healing and increased susceptibility to infection. This also includes, for example, inflammatory diseases and, in extreme cases, even a higher risk of cancer in the mouth, throat and even stomach.
And let's not forget passive smoking, which can have a negative impact on children's dental health in particular. When you smoke, it's not your children's young lungs that are affected, but also their still-developing teeth.
What you can do now
Enough of the gloomy outlook! Let's talk about solutions. The obvious advice would be: Stop smoking. But we know that's easier said than done. That's why it's important that you take extra good care of your teeth and gums while you're smoking. So, regularly;
- Visit the dentist,
- do professional dental cleanings and
- Consistent buccal hygiene
are essential to minimize the negative effects of smoking. Ideally, for your daily oral hygiene and dental care you should use our emmi-dent ultrasonic toothbrush.
Did you know that many of the negative effects of smoking cigarettes can be halted and even reversed if you stop smoking? The first step could be a comprehensive consultation with your dentist or attending a professional smoking cessation program. If you want to quit smoking, we'll keep our fingers crossed for you. We believe in you, because you can do it and your smile will thank you for it! Otherwise, our extensive emmi®-dent product range for oral hygiene and dental care is the best choice for you.