
Zahnfleischveränderungen in der Schwangerschaft

Gum Changes During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your gums can change. In addition to numerous other changes in your body, the area in your mouth is very sensitive. Gum problems during pregnancy due to the hormonal change...

Was ist Pulpitis?

What is pulpitis?

What is pulpitis? At pulpitis, which is also known as dental pulp disease As far as is known, it is a inflammation of the dental pulp. The dental pulp is known in technical jargon ...

Mundfäule bei Kindern

Mouth rot in children

Mouth rot in children Mouth rot in children develops in most cases after an infection with the herpes simplex virus type 1. Fever and painful, fluid-filled blisters in the mouth ar...

Parodontitis: Erkrankung des Zahnbetts

Periodontitis: disease of the periodontal tissue

Periodontitis refers to a inflammation of the periodontiumPeriodontitis is dangerous because periodontitis progresses slowly and can cause serious damage to your teeth. Due to the inflammati...

Was ist Stomatitis?

What is stomatitis?

Stomatitis is also known as mouth rot or inflammation of the oral mucosa The causes of stomatitis can be varied, but in most cases it can be traced back to gingivitis. Stomatitis itself is o...

Implantate bei Kindern, ja oder nein?

Implants in children, yes or no?

It is not common for children to be asked whether or not to have an implant. However, in some cases it may be necessary to have a dental implant. When a dental implants in children In today'...

Tabuthema Mundgeruch (Halitosis)

taboo subject of bad breath (halitosis)

Unfortunately, Bad breath still a taboo subjectNobody likes to talk about bad breath or point it out to others. However, bad smells from the mouth can be incredibly unpleasant for everyone a...

Parodontitis als Ursache für unerfüllten Kinderwunsch?

Periodontitis as a cause of unfulfilled desire to have children?

Chronic dental disease can reduce fertility by up to 1/5. For this reason, Women and men who want to have children place great importance on oral hygiene. Various studies have shown that den...

Behandlung von Parodontitis ab 01.07.2021 mit eigener Richtlinie

Treatment of periodontitis from 01.07.2021 with its own guideline

Gingivitis (periodontitis) is now one of the Common diseases in the dental field. Around every second German suffers from periodontitis. Sometimes the treatment the adaptation of therapy opt...

Zähne schmerzen bei heiß und kalt

Teeth hurt when hot and cold

Your teeth hurt with hot or cold, sweet or sour drinks and foods? You are not alone. More than 40 percent of adults between the ages of 20 and 40 complain about sensitive tooth necks. Expose...

Karies dentum: Eine weitverbreitete Infektionskrankheit

Caries dentum: A widespread infectious disease

Caries means something like rottenness and is also equated with decay. Caused by bacteria, Caries dentum is manifested by deposits and sticky plaque, which are deposited on the tooth surface...

Bruxismus durch nächtliches Zähneknirschen

Bruxism caused by nighttime teeth grinding

Fears about one's existence, stress and worries can lead to a significant psychological burden. This can have a negative impact on human well-being and the entire body. Bruxism describes the...

Parodontitis und Demenz: Demenz-Risiko abhängig vom Zahnstatus im Alter?

Periodontitis and dementia: Does dementia risk depend on dental status in old age?

As several studies show, Periodontitis is one of the contributing factors for dementia in old age. As a chronic inflammatory disease in the mouth, periodontitis and the resulting tooth loss ...

Hyposalivation – Mundtrockenheit durch verminderten Speichelfluss

Hyposalivation – dry mouth due to reduced saliva flow

Hyposalivation or xerostomia – dry mouth is widespread! Not only seniors complain about increasing age dry mouth. Especially when they have to take various tablets due to other illnesses, th...

Approximalkaries und versteckte Karies bei Kindern

Approximal caries and hidden caries in children

Detect hidden caries early! Approximal caries and hidden caries in children is unfortunately not uncommon. This can almost be described as insidious type of tooth decay Dental care for child...

Zahnsteinweckruf, wenn der Makel zum Helfer wird

Tartar wake-up call, when the blemish becomes a helper

When tartar becomes visible, it's time to act! You always notice it first in other people: tartar! Deposits and plaque look unsightly, especially when they are in the direct field of vision...